i am looking forward to 2009. 08 was a good year even with the many ups and downs boyfriend and i faced. i love him and the life we are building together. christmas came and we got tons of great stuff. new sheets and comforter from boyfriend's mom and my parents added more dishes to my antique china and got me a really cool silicone bake and store set. my brother and sister in law got us really cool new phones. the best present of all was the wood stove insert for the fireplace. i love that my house is now warm and the oil burner hardly comes on anymore. i also love the smell of the wood smoke. for the new year my only goal is to get pregnant and continue building our lives together. not much but very meaningful.
winnie is at doggie daycamp today for some end of the year fun. she really needs to spend so time playing with other dogs. i hope i can get back to bringing her at least once a month. she is a happy and tired dog after her day of playing.
I also paid all of my bills for january the other day. setting the bank up to them when they are due was easy since they automatically change the year for me. my quicken bank account register does not. this means that i entered about 4 payments and realised i needed to go back to the begining of 08 on the register and change the new entries to 09. oh well at least i didn't have to do the whole month just a few.
wishing everyone a happy safe and healthy new year
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
santa came
yes he has visited the how did i end up here household already with more coming today and more on thursday. so far santa brought a mirrored hall tree with storage bench. the grinch already put it together and it is by our front door. some time today our new toy a wood fireplace insert will be arriving. then thursday is christmas lots of presents and family. his and mine all in one day. friday i will be home resting and watching movies. merry christmas all if i don't get a chance to blog again before christmas.
now for a winnie story. yesterday i got our tree. the first one in our new house. it is all decorated. winnie and tigger decided they were going to work together. so i come out of the bedroom this morning to find winnie chewing on the remains of a glass christmas ball ornament and tigger trying to climb the tree. i clean up the broken ball pieces and walk in the kitchen to find another ornament on the floor and the fake popcorn / cranberry garland as well. now i will have to keep the 2 monsters from undecorating the tree and destrying the ornaments.
now for a winnie story. yesterday i got our tree. the first one in our new house. it is all decorated. winnie and tigger decided they were going to work together. so i come out of the bedroom this morning to find winnie chewing on the remains of a glass christmas ball ornament and tigger trying to climb the tree. i clean up the broken ball pieces and walk in the kitchen to find another ornament on the floor and the fake popcorn / cranberry garland as well. now i will have to keep the 2 monsters from undecorating the tree and destrying the ornaments.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
wow where did the time go
christmas is speeding up on me. i got the cookies baked and most of the presents bought. left is a christmas tree and wrapping. i have all weekend and i can relax and enjoy the holidays. i need to make a pecan pie and an appitizer for boyfriend's family's christmas party too. they are quick and easy so i will be ready to party and open gifts. the only gift left to buy is for boyfriend's brother and for that he is in charge. not much else is going on. we are in baby making mode so that will fill out the next few days as well.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
happy birthday to my honey
i know i know i have been missing. not much is going on right now. last week was long and quiet. the weekend to short. the good news is it is my honey's birthday. he is the best thing in my life and i want him to be happy. so tonight we are having steak for dinner, yummy and a queit evening at home. we are also preparing for baby making. i finally got flo she has been weird lately and we can try for a baby again. i finally got the pernatal vitamins so i am taking those now too. hopefully this month will be a good month but if not we will keep trying.
Monday, December 1, 2008
monday again
well i had a nice restful weekend to recover from thursday. sat i got up and spent the entire day in my pj's. i did very little mostly playing a game on the computer and it was great. sun i did get dressed and went to the market. after that i baked m&m cookies and snickerdoodles yummy! so now i have 3 kinds of cookies baked only 8 more kinds to go. 2 are cheater cookies so they are easy and i will try to get the peanut butter done this weekend leaving only cookies in single or double batches after that. i normally baked 4 batches of peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies but since the cookies are at my house the 6' tall mouse known for eating a double batch of cookies at my mom's will be cut off i am only baking 3 batches this year. maybe he won't complain in january his pants don't fit. i still need to find time to finish my shopping and the last of the shopping my mom needs done. oh well it will all get done. i will bring my christmas cards to work and get them done and i only need a few more things to finish up. 24 days to go yikes!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
thanksgiving recap
well what a day. i got up at 6 am and got busy stuffing the bird. lots of veggie chopping and butter melting and mixing and stuffing. it was in the oven by 7 am. then a small break for breakfast. then boyfriend and i start to build the last 2 chairs to our dining set and move furniture to fit all the tables in the house. of course since he is on call he gets an emergency call. so off he goes. meanwhile i now have to put one table together and dismantle, clean and move another table, reassemble and bring in all the chairs. after the table was set i took a break and showered. boyfriend got back around 12:30 and vaccummed for me while i mixed the ingredients for the corn cassarole. by 1:30 th relatives started arriving and the rest of the day is a blur. the tables were groaning with food and every stuffed themselves. after dinner i got lots of help cleaning up. then we put out the desserts and everyone could help themselves when they were ready. since we ate at 4 we had plenty of time to sit and talk and enjoy the evening. there was one small aurgument over politics but everyone aplogised and no relationships destroyed so all in all a great day everyone headed home around 9 pm so i even got to bed early since i am working today.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
is it january yet
my uncle is moved in for now. once he figured out i am in the sticks and the nearest store is 20 minutes away he decided maybe he would be better off staying with my parents. my dad will be driving him to chemo and the doctors so now he wants to go stay with them. that is ok but that can't happen until after the first of the year. why you ask ?? my mom had surgery today to replace both of her knees. i am going after work to see her before going home. then i get to go home and get my house ready for boyfriends family to come for thanksgiving. oh and ref my boyfriend and uncle. they are not fighting but my uncle is driving him a bit nuts so i need to keep the peace. i am sure things will calm down but we need to find the middle ground for everyone.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
the pitter patter of size 13 feet
my uncle is coming up to live with boyfrend and me on sunday. my parents and brother are driving down to load his stuff up and we will meet them at their house and drive him to ours. the empty bedroom we planned on using as a nursery will be put to use early and not the way we planned but at least he will not be living alone. i do have to say that through all of this my boyfriend has been right there supporting me and it just makes me love him all the more. even when i call him during my drive to work while i am crying and freaking out he is right there on the phone telling me that it will all work out. i know that this will not be easy but he and i will get through this together.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
wow it is thursday
this has been a weird and crazy week. my uncle who raised my mom from the time she was 18 months old and he was 16 called on monday saying he hasn't been feeling well. so he finally went to the doctors. they sent sent him for tests and x-rays. they found a mass. we were not suprised he smokes like a chimney 1 step away from a chain smoker. he was to see a surgeon on friday but it was moved up to wednesday. we waited all day to find out what the surgeon said. he finally called wednesday night from the hospital. there are 2 tumors on his spine. they are slowly strangling his spinal cord and they were afraid to let him continue living alone. the fear is that he will fall and end up paralised with no way to call for help. they a setting him up for radiation. at this point that is all we know. my paernts are driving down to see him on sunday and to check on the house. boyfriend and i may go to we will see i still have to talk to him tonight and decide what we want to do. hopefully by monday we will have more information and see where we go from here.
Friday, November 7, 2008
yeah it is finally friday. i am really loving the weekends now that i have a house. why you ask?? i don't have a 50 minute ride to work each way on sat or sunday. sleeping in is a bonus too. while i have been looking for a job closer to home there is not much out there right now. so i endure the ride and look forward to those two lovely days off. hopefully more jobs will open up soon and i can get something closer to home until then anyone in the philadelphia area need glass. come visit me
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
a brave new world
yesterday was world changing. the election was historic in every way for everyone. my boyfriend was so happy this morning the bush era is quickly coming to and end and there is hope for real change in this country. the headlines around the world reflect the change as well. congrat to president elect obama we need you
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
vote people just vote
my parents made sure that as kids we went with them every year when they voted. we were brought up to believe it was our responsibility to vote. i have been voting since i turned 18. this year however is the biggest and most important election i have voted in so far. i stopped on the way into work. most of the schools are off today so there was very little traffic. i was a bit late for work but i know tonight will be crazy at the polls after work. so no matter who you are voting for just make sure you go out and vote. if you are lucky they will still be giving out cookies to tide you over until you can get home for dinner.
Friday, October 31, 2008
happy halloween
i love halloween. i spent 2 years working for spencer gifts and dressing up for halloween. it was a blast. now i work in an office so no costume just halloween t-shirts. the real fun is tonight when i go trick or treating with my niece and nephew. they both love getting candy and seeing everyone. all of their friends will be out and we will make our anaul halloween visit to the neighborhood bar and the convent. yes we go to both every year. the bar crowd is great and they all make a fuss over the kids and so do the nuns. my niece and nephew went to the catholic school up til last fall and the nuns all look forward to seeing the kids every year. i am just as excited as they are and i don't even get any candy.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
world series champions 2008 the phillies
the phillies did it. i was 13 and in junior high school the last time the phillies won the world series. 28 years later they finally did it again. for those that are superstious comcast tried to make sure that a philadelphia team would finally win. they put a small statue of william penn facing the correct direction on top the the brand new comcast building in philly. you see the theory is that once the gentlemans agreement not to build anything higher than billy penn was broken our teams were cursed. now he is once again atop the highest building finished this year and now we have the first major league sport title in 25 years( the last win was basketball in 83). by the way the same about of time billy penn was not the highest point.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
my phillies
they don't get to finish game five until wed. i want them to win so bad along with the entire philadphia area. so good luck guys finish on wed so we can party!!!
yes that needs to be capitalized. this past weekend was our first alone in our new home. home such a nice word. anyway my boyfriend has been talking about getting a cat since we started the process of buying a house. now that we have a house he has talked all week about getting a cat. i was not excited about this idea. the main reason is that i know i am allergic to long haired cats and sometimes i get a reaction around short haired cats as well. mostly around more than one. i was worried when we got winnie since she has long hair but i am fine with her. so saturday off we go to the spca. there are tons of cats at the local spca. we find one we like and want to adopt so we fill out the paperwork. then they tell us they need winnie's vet records. so we have to go back on sunday. of course after being there for an hour saturday i have an allergy attack. not fun. i not only get a runny nose and sneeze my throat feels like it is closing off and it is hard to breathe. sunday we can't go back to the spca until after 12:00 noon so we grocery shop and get cat supplies. then off we go. the cat we like is there and we play with her and then we take her home. of course the cat loves me and loves to be petted. this makes winnie jealous she has to get her pets while the cat gets her pets. she even follows me around and of course winnie follows her. i can't believe i let him talk me into a cat. although he did agree if things with my allergies get bad we will get rid of the cat. i am hoping we don't have to do that but we will see.
Friday, October 24, 2008
1 AND 1
when i went to bed lat night the phillies were losing 4 to 0. while i hoped they would come back and win it wasn't to be. hopefully they will win at home where they have the advantage. our pitchers are used to swinging a bat unlike the american league pitchers. they may not be great hitters but they can at least move the runner. GO PHILLIES!!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
my baby is adjusting to the move really well. the only thing that she is having a problem with is going out. she is use to us going with her and she is slowly getting use to going out alone. her other problem is that she really wants to go in the grass. unfortunately right now the only area for her to go in the back yard is not really grass. she will go because she needs to but tries to get as clos to the grass as she can. it is funny to watch her pressing up against the fence to go when we know she wants to go into the grass. this weekend if it doesn't rain we are gong to try to expand her area so she has grass.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
now for more
well the ride to work is much longer now. i am slowly going to try new ways hopefully i can get the trip down to 45 minutes instead of an hour. i cut 5 minutes off this morning and there are more ways to try. i know that it will just mean learning my way around and finding out which ways make the trip easier. the only good thing is that it is all back country roads for the most part and that helps. i just need to cut the time down and it will be ok.
boyfriends mom and sister came over with 3 of their dogs last night. that was fun they were so excited to see the house. his sister was to help us move but got called into work and had to go out of town. she can't wait until thanksgiving at our house and neither can i. the only downer is that my mom and dad can't come since my mom's surgery has been moved to the day before thanksgiving. oh well maybe next year.
boyfriends mom and sister came over with 3 of their dogs last night. that was fun they were so excited to see the house. his sister was to help us move but got called into work and had to go out of town. she can't wait until thanksgiving at our house and neither can i. the only downer is that my mom and dad can't come since my mom's surgery has been moved to the day before thanksgiving. oh well maybe next year.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
i am a home owner
wow what can i say about the last 4 days. friday was horrible. the mortgage company totally screwed us. they called on thursday at 4:50pm to say they could not have things ready for settlement until monday. major problem we needed to be out of our apt by sunday. after all but driving to ohio and beating people we finally made settlement friday night at 11:00 pm. yes 11:00 pm. by the time we got home we felt like we had been run over by a convoy of mack trucks. sat we picked up the moving truck and the lifting began. by 5:00 pm everything going to the house was there and we had a dresser, clothes in the closet and the kitchen unpacked. sunday we went to the apt and threw away the trash and vacuumed and wiped down the kitchen and bathrooms turned in the keys and went home to unpack some more. boyfriends desk was set up and ready for verizon and he bult our new dining table and 2 chairs. then we colasped in bed. monday i got to be bored and listen to the dog freak all day because of the verizon man and now we have phones tv and internet. there is more to do but for now we can live and unpack as we go.in the end it is worth it all but it may take awhile for the joy to really settle in. right now we are too tired and emotionally beaten to enjoy the house. winnie is exhausted too a new place to live new smells and more space and even a back yard to run. she is adjusting well though.
more tomorrow
more tomorrow
Thursday, October 16, 2008
less than 24 hours to settlement
the only thing left is the total amount left to bring to settlement and i should know by the end of the day. i can't wait until tomorrow i will be a home owner.
bring on the moving truck yah hoo
bring on the moving truck yah hoo
the phillies are going to the world series
i don't know what to be happier about at the moment. settlement tomorrow or the phillies going to the world series for the first time in 15 years. i had season tickets to the phillies for 12 years. my date for almost every game for the first 11 years was my dad. when he retired he decided to apply for a job with the phillies as an usher. so the last season i had tickets i had to find someone to go to every game with me and visited him at work. i am still a phillies fan and watch games throughout the season. now i will be watching every game of the world series hoping my favorite phils win it all. the last time they won the world series was in 1980 28 years ago. GO PHILLIES!!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
2 days
i am so excited. we went over to the house last night and showed boyfriend's mom, sister and brother where the house is located. they got to see the outside and all the land we have. we are both getting really excited and the days aren't passing fast enough. one more day of work and i have off for 4 days for settlement and the move. so once thursday is over i won't be back online until after tuesday.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
3 days
friday is slowly creeping closer i can't wait. i feel like a six year old waiting for christmas. i am sure it will be just like christmas too. all that waiting and it will be over in a flash.
poor winnie is so confused. she sees us packing things and knows something is going on but not what. i think once she is settled she will like the move but right now she is out of sorts. she has even been have tummy trouble. she is not sick just upset over all the changes lately.
poor winnie is so confused. she sees us packing things and knows something is going on but not what. i think once she is settled she will like the move but right now she is out of sorts. she has even been have tummy trouble. she is not sick just upset over all the changes lately.
Monday, October 13, 2008
4 days
well 90% of the packing is done. i still have the bathroom and a few other things to pack and my part is done. then the fun begins. what filled my measely 4 cabinets at the apartment will look lost in the new kitchen. hopefully what took day to pack will get unpacked much faster with extra hands to help. i can't wait for friday yeah
Sunday, October 12, 2008
best laugh in years
as most of you know sarah palin dropped the cerimonial first puck at saturday nights Flyers home opening game. the fact that she dressed her youngest daughter in a flyers jersey was her atempt to keep people from booing. it did not work in a big way. they had to pipe in cheering and blast the fans with music to cover up the loudest booing ever heard at a philadelphia sporting event ever. why she would even agree in a town that is 85% or more registered democart i will never know. with a little reading anywhere she also would have known phila was banned from monday night football for booing santa and we are famous for being the worst fans for any and all sports teams we even boo our own team when they win. we are a bandwagon town and you better win or we turn our backs faster than anyone. when i heard she was going to drop the puck i wanted to watch just to see the booing. i did watch the clips online and have been laughung all day i may still be laughing for the rest of the year.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
settlement in 6 days
i can't believe it now all i need is for the mortgage lady to call and confirm our final payment and i will be a happy lady. back to packing
Thursday, October 9, 2008
why am i cold? it is fall here in pa. you don't realy need the heat yet but boy is hot water a pleasure. i like a nice hot shower every morning before i go to work. this morning however there was no hot water. the ground is cold the pipes are cold the water is really cold. i had to heat water to wash my hair and i took the worlds fastest shower. jump under the water move away shiver while lathering and rinse as fast as possible.so much fun. boyfriend only washed his hair and he was shivering too. why you ask did i breve cold water for a shower?? because wed nights i go to water aerobics. even though i shower there before i leave i still can smell chlorine on my skim the next morning. so i braved the cold. to make things even more fun winnie decided today was a good day to barf. 3 times this morning. yuck!!!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
9 days
yes that is 9 days until settlement. i packed the linen closet last night so i can scratch that off the list. friday sat and sun will be nothing but packing. i do have a really good start so it should not be too bad. friday night i will tackle the last of the tv stand. saturday i will finish the kitchen and coat closet and sunday i will finish what ever is left including the storage closet. mostly that closet is boxes but there are some tings that need to be packed. i love that settlement is no longer double digits away.
Monday, October 6, 2008
oh my god
11 days to go and i am already tired of packing. what is packed so far you ask?? my entire cedar chest full of my and boyfriend's sweaters, all of my summer clothes, half of my kitchen, 8 boxes of book from my book case, all of my vhs and dvd movies and 2/3rds of my entertainment center. i still need to pack more of the entertainment center knick knacks, our bar, another 1/4 of my kitchen, the linen closet, coat closet and the storage closet. that will get us down to the bare essentials for the last few days. i am going to try to pack some stuff on tues night and then i will pack the rest friday night, saturday and sunday. i will have lots of help the day of the move transfering the boxes and furniture and putting everything away when we get to the house. i know my mom will help set up the kitchen so that will be a big help. all of our other helpers will make sure we have a bed and the essentials moved in and unpacked so we will be finished with most of the move on sunday. monday i get to sleep in and only need to be up and dressed for verizon to set up the tv, phone and computers. hope the verizon guy doen't mind me inold comfy clothes.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
15 days to go
well i finally talked to our mortgage company rep. she is really hard to get hold of and doesn't return phone calls and emails. everything is going fine apparsal is today title work is being done and they have the insurance info. i have been trying to call her since we found out monday that we have the bank approval. it took my boyfriend calling and yelling at her to get answers. i can't wait for this to be over. this weekend is all about packing. we will be packing everything we will not be use for the next 2 weeks. which by the way is most of our stuff. last thing we will pack up is the computers and tv those we can't live without.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
17 days and counting
i have so much to do. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! last night i went to the store a friend of mine works at and picked up boxes. now i have to fill them. i hate packing. oh well it is so worth it in the end.we have lots of helpers coming for the move so i am hoping it will be fast. all i have to do now is get moving.
Monday, September 29, 2008
oh my god we have a house
well after a very depressing weekend of tears and sadness my realtor some how got the bank to agree to our terms. as of sat the bank wanted more for the house and to cut our sellers assist in half. we said flat out no way. this is the only way we can afford the house and it is take it or we walk away. the realtor called me around noon to say they agreed and we have a house. i am still crying mind you but now it is tears of joy. so the count down is on 18 days to go !!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
moving right along
well everything we need to do for settlement is being done. appraisal is in the works and title work is being done the only thing we still have to do is the home inspection. i am finally getting excited 22 days to go. it is scary and oh so exciting at the same time. i can't wait to move in. it will be raining this weekend in these parts so the packing will begin. now as long as doggie daycare on friday tires out my dog for the weekend i will be able to really start moving with packing.
Monday, September 22, 2008
not much going on
so far no news anywhere about the house. we are still set for settlement so we are hoping to start packing soon. winnie has been mostly good lately the occational shoe napping or general over barking but she has been fairly well behaved. sat i took her for a nice long walk and she was exhausted for hours afterward. not much else is going on. flo is due this weekend and we didn't get much baby making in this month so i will be suprised if i am pregnant. oh well we will try again next time.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
we set a settlement date
i am so excited 1 month from today i should be at settlement and moving into my new house. i can't wait this has been the longest most frustrating process but we are finally moving. yeah!!!! i feel like i have been on a crazy rollercoaster with this process a very slow start with some unexpected turns then up a steep hill and i think we may finally be cresting the top and ready for the big fast run to the finish. hopefully nothing else will throw us off and we will finally be able to move.
Friday, September 12, 2008
i am so happy it is friday. i am looking forward to this weekend just to relax and have fun. on sat i am meeting my mom at a local orchard for the annual fall craft fair. we will get to see lots of local crafts and smell all the awesome baked goods at the bakery and farm market. they will also have the food sites open. oh so yummy. i can't wait fresh breads, cider donuts, pies, their specialty breads, caramel and cannied apples and the bbq i can smell it now. the smells of this place are fall and childhood to me. we have been going to this orchard all of my life mostly in the fall. they always have great pumpkins for halloween and the yummy baked goods also an awesome playground for kids and all kinds of animals that you can feed. i have many memories of this place and i love that my niece and nephew have them as well. sunday will be for grocery shopping and hanging out. hope everyone has a great weekend see you monday
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11/08 43 years and counting
while the world is remembering the tragedy of the world trade center my family is marking 2 other occations today. first today is my parents 43rd wedding anniversary and it is also my cousins birthday. these 2 events came way before 9/11/01 and for us mean so much more. while 9/11 is now a day where everyone stops to remember what happened, most people who know my parents also now seem to have an easier time remembering their anniversary.i am sure things are the same for my cousin. no one will ever forget 9/11 and they seem to remember that friends happy days are marked by this event as well. i am more impressed that they have been married as along as they have and are still happily married. so happy birthday david and happy anniversary mom and dad love you all
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
things here have been out of control. last week was pms sorry no baby we will try again this month. to make my life even more emotional we had to make a last minute change and go with another mortgage company. we now have an even better deal and are not going to have to back out of the house deal. we also got to go through the house again. so while we are still waiting for bank approval we are at least ready to go. i know i am giving the bare minimum of details but last week was too emotional to go into fully.
on a better note i did get to spend friday night with my dad's 2 brothers and 2 of my cousin's that i have not seen in years. i wish they were in town for a better reason but i was glad i got to see them and their kids. my brother and nephew also went to see everyone. b loved meeting his 2nd cousins and playing in my uncle's pool with them. it is rare we all get together and since i haven't seen one of my cousins in 5 years and the other for at least 12 it was a real treat for me. after much laughing and catching up i finally got home around 10:30 pm.
on a better note i did get to spend friday night with my dad's 2 brothers and 2 of my cousin's that i have not seen in years. i wish they were in town for a better reason but i was glad i got to see them and their kids. my brother and nephew also went to see everyone. b loved meeting his 2nd cousins and playing in my uncle's pool with them. it is rare we all get together and since i haven't seen one of my cousins in 5 years and the other for at least 12 it was a real treat for me. after much laughing and catching up i finally got home around 10:30 pm.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
more house
and other stuff. as of right now i don't have any clue when we are making settlement. so i am freaking out. we can't put notice in for our apt until we get bank approval and they haven't even assigned anyone to the case. as an added bonus the seller now has a lawyer. making my freak out worse is the fact that i am either pmsing or pregnant. no i have not taken a test yet since i am not late yet. frustrating not being sure when you will get your period every moth makes getting pregnant a bit harder. also makes taking a test unreliable until i am really late. when is late around 35 days, where am i you ask day 25. my normal range is 22 to 26 days. i am so tempted to test anyway. should i??????
Friday, August 29, 2008
house update
well settlement has been pushed until october. the seller just got her paperwork to the bank for short selling the house. we thought it was sent in at the beginning of august. needless to say we where not happy to find out she just sent in the paperwork. now we have to wait for the bank to approve the sale. all we seem to do is hurry up and wait. i want my house. now we are waiting for the bank to asign a negotiator and make a decision. we can't even get our mortgage paperwork approved until the bank approves the sale. our mortgage company has the pre approval and all of the paperwork we need to submit and has had it for 2 weeks. this is just so furstraing i want to scream. we had so hoped to be out of our apt by sept 30. oh well hopefully a nice quiet 3 day weekend will help.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
winnie lets me sleep in. for her that means not waking me up until 1/4 to seven. i take her out in my pj's figuring she will pee and we will return to bed. she had other ideas. she did pee then saw someone parking there car and heading to the beach. she starts barking and running across my uncles yard and the nieghbors yard, across the sidewalk and the street to bark up close at this person. he just kept on walking. she sees me coming and runs in the the field across the street knowing i am mad at her. then i step on nettles in the grass. i am now really mad. she starts to run by me but gets one stuck in her foot too. i tried to grab her and she runs to the back door and waits for me to get there. as soon as i open the door she runs in and hides knowing she is in trouble. i am wake now so i give up on going back to sleep and decide i am hungry. there is an awesome bakery 1 and 1/2 blocks from my uncle's house so i get dressed and put winnie on her leash and off we go for donuts. oh so yummy donuts. they hit the spot for breakfast for everyone as they slowly got up. when everyone was ready we left the dogs at the house and hit the boardwalk. we got candy for my parents and played games and wandered home stopping in stores and checking out the craft fair. we also stopped for lunch at my favorite pizza place. after that we went to the beach for some sun and surf before showering and heading home. it was a wonderful weekend with lots of good frinds and fun was had by all.
Monday, August 25, 2008
sunburnt and exhausted
wow what a weekend. we all had the best time even the dogs. winnie even got plenty of beach time. she was really bad friday night and kept waking us up every 1-1/2 hours all night. i finally gave up on sleep and took her for a really long walk on the beach at 6:30am. a little while after we return boyfriend sister got up and then she woke up her husband and winnie and i retuned to the beach with them and their dog milo. when we got to the beach we let both dogs off the leashes. milo ran straight into the water. winnie followed then balked at the water. she was jumping over the incoming waves. too funny she would stand in the water but was freaked out by it coming at her. we played for an hour or so and returned to the house by then everyone was up. after that was breakfast and grocery shopping. in the afternoon we bbqed and i took a much needed nap. late in the afternoon we returned to the beach. boyfriend sister and i went first and the guys followed with the dogs after the guards left for the day. after playing in the surf we returned for showers and more bbq. after diner we sat around talking until late. i was still tired so i went to bed around midnight boyfriend stayed up until around 2. luckily for us winnie was as tired as we were and slept until almost 7 am. late for me with the early bird dog we have. more tomorrow
Friday, August 22, 2008
i love the beach
guess where i am going this weekend. yup to the beach. my uncle lives at the jersey shore and boyfriend and i and his sister and brother-in-law and 2 other friends are going with us. i can't wait it has been 10 years since i have gone to the beach without kids around. i so can really enjoy the beach this weekend. winnie is going too so i am sure she will get into trouble at some point while we are there. she loves to dig in my uncles sandy dirt in the back yard. last time she ended up getting 2 baths because she got so dirty. she may even get some beach time too. see you monday.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
another winnie story
sunday boyfriend and i are on our computers when we hear this whoosh from the kitchen. we look over and here comes winnie out of the kitchen with this really guilty look on her face. her tail is down and her ears are back and she is speed walking through the room. i get up and go into the kitchen and find the 3 foot by 3 foot cork board my dad made me as a child laying on the floor. all i could do was laugh serves her right poking her nose where it doen't belong and having this big piece fall on top of her. it is not heavy but i am sure it startled her when it fell. she hide under our bed for an hour before coming out. please note there was no damage to the dog or corkboard lol
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
still nothing
we are waiting for the bank to approve everything for the house we want. they are going to make us wait til the last minute. they said they would get back to us with in 45 days. that puts us right up to the settlement date. if they wait that long settlement will be pushed back. the mortgage company won't even do their paperwork until they have signed papers from bank. so we wait. did i tell you i hate waiting. this being in limbo is crazy i just want an answer. N.O.W. NOW NOW NOW. OK DEEP BREATH NO SORRY I WANT AN ANSWER NOW!!!!
Monday, August 18, 2008
monday again
for many years i worked a retail job. the hours were long and i busted my ass every day. luckily i had a really great boss who let me take extra time if i needed it and let me take 2 days in a row most weeks. because it was retail i had to work every saturday. that i could live with but i really hated to work sundays. since i only had to work one a month and was the head manger i could pick and choose when i worked a sunday. my other day off every week was monday. i loved having mondays off. i could do everything i needed to for the week. shopping, banking, baby sitting for my niece and nephew what ever needed to be done on monday. the best part it could be done fast. i mean fast what takes all day sunday to do now that i have an office job would take maybe 2 hours tops on mondays. that is the one thing i miss most about retail. i don't think i could go back to retail but i do miss mondays off.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
winnie the bad dog
back in may and june my boyfriend was out of work. while he was home winnie would sleep most of the day. when he went back to work we decided to stop crating winnie while we are at work. for the first month she was really good. no accidents on the floor and no messes to clean up. that changed around the begining of august. she has started destoying things. at first it was old empty cd cases or an old cd for the computer. we would move or block her access to the items and she would poke her way in or find others to chew. then the first friday in august i come home and boyfriend says she got into the cases again and found something new to destroy. what do ask did she find? a box of condoms. they where shreded all over the floor. she must have tried to chew one and ate it. the next day i take her out to go and she pees no big deal then she has to poo. so she goes and she stayes in the poo crouch, then she waddles a bit, and crouches some more. i look over and there is poo hanging half way down her but attached to something she is still trying to pass. so she crouches and waddles for 5 minutes and finally more poo comes out. i bend over to pick it up and realise she has just pooped out a condom. oh the joy of owning a dog
radiohead was great
but boy am i tied today. we had a great time at the concert. boyfriend was such a happy boy he finally got to see his favorite band live in concert. the trip into the venue took 3 times longer thean the trip home but was worth it. my only complaint was that everyone was standing and the venue was an indoor/ outdoor venue with speakers set up for peopele sitting down in the grass standing up the sound was not as good.i sat for half the concert and stood up for half so i could see but it was still great.
tomorrow a funny update with my very cute and very bad doggie winnie. see you then
tomorrow a funny update with my very cute and very bad doggie winnie. see you then
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
radiohead anyone??
i can't wait we are going to see radiohead in concert tonight. i am leaving work early so we can meet up with friends. my boyfriend introduced me to this group i am more of a listen while you do other stuff person but i do like radiohead. tell you about it later
Monday, August 11, 2008
happy birthday to me!!!!
well it is here my birthday yeah! boyfriend woke me up with happy birthday i love you so sweet. i will miss him all day. i won't get to see much of him today. i am working at my everyday job and my part time job today so i won't get home til 10 pm. luckily i am going to my parents for dinner. mom is making my favorite dinner (spaghetti and meatballs yummy)and my brother and family are coming over for cake and ice cream for our birthdays ( his was yesterday). i will need to go to my second job teaching water aerobics just to work off all the carbs lol. so far we have an accepted bid on a house and we are trying to make a baby ( lots of trying this coming weekend )and we a talking about getting married soon too so i am getting more than i ever hoped this year. this is my best birthday ever even if i have to work while the boss is frolicking on the beach.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
lazy saturday
we stayed up late friday night and the dog got us up at 6 am so we are having a lazy saturday. watching tv and playing games online. there is wash and shopping and cleanign to do but we are both being lazy. i guess we both just need a day to ignore the world and enjoy ourselves. p.s. 2 days til my birthday yeah !!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
thursday again
thursday's are the worst day of the week. there is still one more day before the weekend and it always drags. we did have some excitement this morning. the guys in the shop were gettting new nextels so the vp in charge came to our shop. since he was here i got him to fix our printers. both the manager and i can print to our own printers now i don't need to print everything. our work orders still have to be printed by me but that is nothing. i am so excited now i can copy, print, scan and fax all from one machine on my desk. yeah !!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
while we wait a weekend update
on sunday i drove to my parents house in the late afternoon and picked up my niece and nephew along the way. we picked out our dinner order and went to the pool. we planned a late afternoon and dinner there because it was raft night. on sunday tuesday and thursday they allow rafts in the pool for 2 hours. since my niece and nephew rarely get to stay for raft night we made plans. we had the best time swimming and playing until dinner then sandwiches (won from a local deli at the penny party) and then it was raft night. the last 10 minutes before we could take the rafts in were tough for us all. then we floated and flipped each other and stole each others rafts. it was so much fun the kids had a blast flipping me off of my raft and making me chase them to get it back. of course i had fun stealing their rafts as well. even my parents got in on the fun my dad was stealing and flipping as well and my mom floated around and even got a few pictures.fun fun fun
Monday, August 4, 2008
we agree
the seller countered and we accepted. now we wait for the bank if they ok the sale we have a house. oh my god we will have a house. pinch me. more later
Friday, August 1, 2008
tell me i am not insane
we put an offer in on a house. wow i am amazed to write that. maybe seeing it in print will make it more real. by sunday we will know if the seller has accepted our offer and then we need to wait for her bank to ok the sale as well. she is short selling so her bank has to approve the offer as well since she will be selling for less than she paid. if all goes well we will be home owners this fall. keep your fingers crossed for me.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
birthday presents
everyone is asking me what i want for my birthday. my answer money or things for my kitchen. i need a good knife set and a 12 or 14 " frying pan that is all stainless steel ( chef's quaility )i am not picky over brands but i DO NOT want a non stick coating on the frying pan. why you ask? several reasons 1 i own an 8 and 10 inch pan that are all stainless steel and can go from stove top to oven that i love. 2 every pan with non stick coating i have ever used no matter how good looses the coating over time. 3 who knows what the chemicals in that coating are doing to your body. as for knives again i'm not picky over brands i just would like to have a set of knives that are not really old hand me downs that are mismatched. although my current collections is unique just dull. my only other request for my birthday is a baby on the way and as timing goes i will know a week from friday if i am pregers. if not we will try again next month.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
12 days
and counting.
is this week over yet?? it is only tuesday and i feel like i have been here for a week already. i need to find some new entertainment for work to make the day go faster
any ideas???
is this week over yet?? it is only tuesday and i feel like i have been here for a week already. i need to find some new entertainment for work to make the day go faster
any ideas???
Monday, July 28, 2008
she is turning 65. WOW officialy old enough for social security and medicare. also a reminder that my birthday is coming up fast. oh and my brother's (he just had to come the day before my birthday). my family likes to clump birthdays and anniversaries. between the begining of july and the end of august there are 14birthdays (including mine) and 4 anniversaries. the number keeps growing so i can hardly remember them all. i know i am getting old but my cousins keep having kids and getting married in the summer and i loose track.
since mine is coming up i have had a wish list for my birthday for years that the top 3 are finally be within my reach. what are they?? marriage kids and a house. i don't even care what order. since we are looking at houses and trying to get pregnant it looks i will be getting 2 out of 3 for sure before the end of the year or sooner (keep your fingers crossed). so let the count down begin 13 days until my birthday . yeah!!!
since mine is coming up i have had a wish list for my birthday for years that the top 3 are finally be within my reach. what are they?? marriage kids and a house. i don't even care what order. since we are looking at houses and trying to get pregnant it looks i will be getting 2 out of 3 for sure before the end of the year or sooner (keep your fingers crossed). so let the count down begin 13 days until my birthday . yeah!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
hurray for friday
now hurry up and be over. this has been the longest day ever. it is the middle of summer so my work is slow. i am enjoying the slower pace but not the boredom that comes with it. there isn't even any tv to catch up on. wah wah i know stop crying many people would love to be bored at work.
i am looking forward to this weekend we are going to look at a house and we are pre approved for a mortgage. so wish us luck i really want a house but i am going to hate packing up to move and all the hoops we need to jump through before settlement. still it is great that we can get out of the apartment we are in right now. it is not to small just not ideal for having a dog. i can't wait to be able to open the door and let winnie go out and not have to go with her every time. since my dog has to go every 1-1/2 to 2 hours that will be the best part of home ownership. also being able to do what ever i want to the walls and floors without worring about losing my security deposit.
the rest of the weekend we have nothing to do and i plan to keep it that way i want to lounge by the pool and read on sunday with nothing to do. it will be the first weekend in over a month with little or no plans. oh heaven!!!
i am looking forward to this weekend we are going to look at a house and we are pre approved for a mortgage. so wish us luck i really want a house but i am going to hate packing up to move and all the hoops we need to jump through before settlement. still it is great that we can get out of the apartment we are in right now. it is not to small just not ideal for having a dog. i can't wait to be able to open the door and let winnie go out and not have to go with her every time. since my dog has to go every 1-1/2 to 2 hours that will be the best part of home ownership. also being able to do what ever i want to the walls and floors without worring about losing my security deposit.
the rest of the weekend we have nothing to do and i plan to keep it that way i want to lounge by the pool and read on sunday with nothing to do. it will be the first weekend in over a month with little or no plans. oh heaven!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
wednesday again
now that yesterday is over i am feeling bad to normal again. i was so happy to see the end of the day and get some sleep. although nothing bad happened i really hate feeling so out of it.
we are still house and mortgage hunting so no real news on that front but hopefully this weekend we will work on making a baby since that is prime time. hehe
not much else is going on today i am hoping for a nice quiet day at work and then taking winnie to my parents while i go to my other job. see you tomorrow
we are still house and mortgage hunting so no real news on that front but hopefully this weekend we will work on making a baby since that is prime time. hehe
not much else is going on today i am hoping for a nice quiet day at work and then taking winnie to my parents while i go to my other job. see you tomorrow
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i'm having a blonde day
yes i am blonde. naturally into my 20's and now by choice. usually i am not the typical blonde but today is going to be one of those days, i can tell. i am tired after getting to bed late last night so my blondness is coming out and it is not even 9 am yet. when i got up this morning i heard the low battery beeping on my cell phone so i plugged it into the charger. i need to make several calls today and would rather use my phone than the work phone. of course it is still in the charger at home and i am at work. i need to make several calls and i have written them all down so i don't forget who i have to call(that took 15 min of wracking my brain and i still think i am missing one i need to make). i know i will spend then rest of today feeling like i am forgetting something or making mistakes, i probably won't but once my day starts out like this i will feel behind and off center all day. oh well there is always tomorrow. wish me luck
Monday, July 21, 2008
look at me i'm a winner
well the weekend was great. i had ablast playing in the pool with my neice, nephew, cousin, and her daughter. it was 95 and humid the perfect day to spend in the pool. the penny party was a blast. i won lots of great prizes. gift certificates for food and jewelry and to museums. lots of fun for all. my niece won a game and the stuffed toy she really wanted and my nephew got a t-shirt and a gift cert for papa john's pizza.
sun we were looking at houses and helping my boyfriend's sister move. now that was an adventure. first we went to her storage bin to drop off things they will not need. then we helped them move their big things into their mom's house. she has a twin house and they will be moving into the 3rd floor 2 flights of stairs with a turn between 2nd and third floors. ac units, dresser and night stands no problem. then we took on the bed. frame was easy, box springs a bit more difficult but they got upstairs then the beast a king size mattress. it took four people to move, 2 pushing and 2 pulling. we inched this mattress up the steps. it went something like push go up a step , push move up a step, ect. after 20 minutes it finally made it all the way to the top and on the frame. then we all colasped. after that we went home to relax and enjoy the rest of our sunday. while we were busy moving things our puppy got to play with his mom and sister's dogs. she was exhauted too. that did make us very happy. a quiet evening at home watching movies.
sun we were looking at houses and helping my boyfriend's sister move. now that was an adventure. first we went to her storage bin to drop off things they will not need. then we helped them move their big things into their mom's house. she has a twin house and they will be moving into the 3rd floor 2 flights of stairs with a turn between 2nd and third floors. ac units, dresser and night stands no problem. then we took on the bed. frame was easy, box springs a bit more difficult but they got upstairs then the beast a king size mattress. it took four people to move, 2 pushing and 2 pulling. we inched this mattress up the steps. it went something like push go up a step , push move up a step, ect. after 20 minutes it finally made it all the way to the top and on the frame. then we all colasped. after that we went home to relax and enjoy the rest of our sunday. while we were busy moving things our puppy got to play with his mom and sister's dogs. she was exhauted too. that did make us very happy. a quiet evening at home watching movies.
Friday, July 18, 2008
i am so happy it is friday!!!! this has been such a long week after the last 2 being short because of vacation and the 4th of july. to makes thing even more fun flo came and brought a friend with a jackhammer to pound in my head. nothing like a 3 day headache with a migarine start and finish. i am so happy flo only lasts 3 day most months.
i have been looking forward to sat for so long. my cousin and i planned this weekend back around easter so we have both been excited for months. for her going to the pool was a treat and i miss going since this is the first summer since i was in college that i no longer get to go anymore. my neice and nephew are excited as well they have been wanting to go with me all summer and every weekend i tried to plan going are the ones it rained or something else came up. they have been counting the days this week as excited as i am.
hopefully i will get some pictures of all the fun and maybe i will even get a chance to post vacation and pool pics to flicker.( no promises )
have a great weekend all
i have been looking forward to sat for so long. my cousin and i planned this weekend back around easter so we have both been excited for months. for her going to the pool was a treat and i miss going since this is the first summer since i was in college that i no longer get to go anymore. my neice and nephew are excited as well they have been wanting to go with me all summer and every weekend i tried to plan going are the ones it rained or something else came up. they have been counting the days this week as excited as i am.
hopefully i will get some pictures of all the fun and maybe i will even get a chance to post vacation and pool pics to flicker.( no promises )
have a great weekend all
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
hump day
i am so happy it is wednesday. 2 more days til the weekend. i am excited for this weekend. my cousin and her daughter are coming over to go swimming in the pool i grew up going to every day all summer as a child. i love to swim and the pool is my favorite place to be on a hot summer day. not only is my cousin and her daughter going so is my mom , dad, neice and nephew and to make things even better it is the anual penny party at the pool. what could be better than a hot summer day at the pool that involves prizes. i save all year and usually come home with prizes totaling more than i spend and the profits go to support the swim team. since i was a member of the first team we ever had at that pool i can't resist supporting the team. now if i could only make the next 2 days fly by i would be a happy lady.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
i'm back
wow vacation was way too short. 2 days at the shore and 2 days lounging at home i could use few more days off. the shore was so much fun. my neice and nephew and i played on the beach for 2 days body surfing and boogie boarding in the very cold atlantic. luckily we had the 2 best beach days of the week. thursday night we went to the boardwalk for dinner yummy. i got my favorite pizza and water ice then we went to our favorite candy store for fudge. next up were rides and games. both kids came home a winner and we used all of our tickets for the rides. fri i got up early and took my winnie for a walk on the beach the she and i had breakfast on the boardwalk. i had pancakes and she had her dog food. winnie was an angel at the shore she was well behaved and never had an accident in the house. yeah for winnie. she even let me sleep in somewhat. we were still up by 6 but that is better then 4;30 or 5. thursday night i had to share my bed. my sweet nephew decided i was lonely since my honey was at home and he slept with me. winnie tried her hardest to wake him at 4:30 and 5am but he didn't move even with her on his back and licking his face. fri night for dinner since my brother and family left to eat on the way home my uncle (who lives at the house where we were staying )and i went out to dinner. nice restaurant on the bay. after dinner i too headed home.
the rest of my long weekend was spent with my honey. he was tired from a long hard week but it was nice to just relax together.
the rest of my long weekend was spent with my honey. he was tired from a long hard week but it was nice to just relax together.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
is here yeah. funny i am super excited to go on vacation the beach and boardwalk are so much fun. the one damper is my honey has to work i will be frolicking at the shore and he will be home alone. i am even taking the dog which is a plus for him. he will get 3 uninterupted nights of sleep while i will have the crazy up half the night dog who will want to go out at 5 am. what was i thinking??? see you monday
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
i can't wait for vacation
i am going to the nj shore for 2 days. i get to be a kid and play with my niece and nephew on the beach. i can't wait. we are going to eat on the boardwalk. oh my yummy fries, pizza, and lots of junk oh and don't for get ice cream. this is one family tradition we started with my niece and nephew that is so much fun. my parents always planned and prepared all our meals before we left for vacation. we only got one or 2 treats on the boardwalk but eating as you go through the night a bit here and a bit there is so much more fun. bad for the waist line but it is one night. i am also looking forward to rides and lazy days on the beach boogie boarding and building sandcastles. this year it is a short vacation for me but i still can't wait.
Monday, July 7, 2008
weekend update
we had a busy weekend without really doing anything. we have started house hunting and working on financing. hunting was the majority of the weekend. we drove to houses on our list of possibilites and checked out the houses and the neighborhoods. realators can really take pictures that make any house look good online but in person what a difference. some we crossed off and some are possiblities. it will all come down to getting approved for a mortgage. i don't want to put in an offer if we are not certain of the financing. the housing market is a buyers market if you can get a mortgage. hopefully i can get one.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
the 4th of july
wow i can't believe the 4th is here already. this year is flying by. i can't wait to have a 3 day weekend this week and a 4 day weekend next week. i am so ready for a little vacation time. i will post when i can but i will be enjoying work free days and sun at the pool this week and the beach next week. yahoo
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
a house
we are looking into buying a house. so far we have found one we want to see and it is affordable. it will mean a longer comute for me but it will be worth it to have a yard for winnie and a second bedroom to have a baby. i am excited and scared at the same time but oh so worth it. wish us luck
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
i love my job and the guys i work with. they are easy to get along with and make the day fun. last week they decided to try to pull a prank on me. it sort of worked. instead of parking behind the shop i had to park along the side since they had pulled the work trucks out blocking my usual parking spot. later they come in and tell me that the newest guy was backing one of the trucks up and hit my sideview mirror. to bad for them a customer was in the showroom and i didn't freakout like they wanted me too. of course it is no big deal even if they break my mirror since i happen to work in a glass shop. if they break my mirror i just beat the one who did while he cuts me a new mirror. even the customer was laughing at the guys saying just make her a new one. what they really wanted was for me to run outside all upset so they could laugh at their prank but it didn't work the way they wanted. after the customer left they made me go out to move my car i still didn't freak they were so disappointed. i am sure they will try again but i hope they come up with something better next time then i can get even.
Monday, June 30, 2008
what can i say it is monday again. monday and wednesday are my long days. see i have 2 jobs. one is for earning money to pay bills and the other is for fun (and i get paid too). obivouly job #2 is my favorite i would even do it for free getting paid is a bonus. what you ask is this job? i teach water aerobics. i am a lover of being in the water and in the pool i get a good work out and have fun too. however this means that i don't get home until 10 pm those nights. some day i will have to give up my second job which i will really miss but for now i am enjoying my job and the wonderful people i get to meet.
Friday, June 27, 2008
it is friday. 5 pm can't come fast enough. this weekend we are going to a birthday party in nj for my cousin's daughter and husband. they share a birthday which is really nice. morgan is turning 3. she is such a little cutie. she had a very rough start but she is lucky. they thought she would be mentally and physically handicapped. instead she is ahead of where she should be mentally and with the physical therapy she has had for over two years she is coping with limited use of one arm. she is a sweet child even through the treeible twos and now into the threes. don't get me wrong she has her moments and she can be headstrong but all in all she is a really great kid. so happy third birthday morgan love you !!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
feeling lighter
now that my boyfriend is working and likes his job I feel 100 lbs lighter. since christmas when he started getting his hours cut until he quit in april the pressure has been mounting. when he finally quit it was a small sigh of relief because he was finally away from the nuts he was working for. the last 2 months have been really stressful while he was looking for a job. now that he is happily employed i can finally breathe again the pressure is off and i feel like i am floating through every day. i love him even more now that we have faced what in most relationships would break it and come through stronger and more in love than ever. we have found out that when things are bad we can work together and get through. It has been a tough road for the last 6 months but i know we can face anything together now.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

my little winnie has a crush. not on a dog her own size but on one about 5 times her size. his name is tank. he is an english lab. beautiful yellow coat and much heavier than his american cousins. yet she loves him. appearantly he is quite the stud since every female dog goes nuts when they see him. winnie is one of the bunch but she doesn't care as long as she can get near him. it is too funny at home she barks at the other dogs and growls like she is a big dog. even if she is only 12 inches tall and weighs 25 lbs she thinks she can dominate them. but not tank she is completely submissive just to get near him. when i pick her up from doggie daycare she is in the room with the biggest dogs happily playing with tank. thankfully tank for all his size is a sweetheart.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
he likes it
my boyfriend likes his new job. hooray!! i am so happy for him. he finally found a good company. he is back to the relaxed and happy guy i met. we are both giving a big sigh of relief. now that there is money coming in from both of us we are looking toward the future and making plans. i some times can't believe i finally found what i have always been looking for. if i am dreaming please don't wake me.
Monday, June 23, 2008
weekend update
this was such a good weekend. on saturday we went up to visit my boyfriend's mom. we took our dog up to play with her dogs. winnie had a ball playing in the yard with the other dogs. on sunday we had friends over for dinner. it was so nice to entertain in our apartment. we have been struggling for a few months so it was nice to be with friends and relax for a change. winnie was funny with the j one of our friends. she wanted no part of him. she barked at him and ran away if he tried to go near her. by the end of the night they were friends but i was suprised at how long it took her to warm up to him. all in all a good weekend.
Friday, June 20, 2008
i have spent the last 6 weeks worried to death over money. my loving boyfriend quit his job. now i know most people would be angry over him quitting in this economy but i was glad he finally got away from his former boss. bitch is to nice for what she was.
today he finally got a new job starting Monday. all i can say is yeah. i no long will be paying all the bills and we can finally put money back in my savings,and pay off bills that we have put minimums on for months. he has not work a 40 hour week since the middle of December. i can't wait til we are back on our feet. that means babies and marriage Yeah!!!
i have spent the last 6 weeks worried to death over money. my loving boyfriend quit his job. now i know most people would be angry over him quitting in this economy but i was glad he finally got away from his former boss. bitch is to nice for what she was.
today he finally got a new job starting Monday. all i can say is yeah. i no long will be paying all the bills and we can finally put money back in my savings,and pay off bills that we have put minimums on for months. he has not work a 40 hour week since the middle of December. i can't wait til we are back on our feet. that means babies and marriage Yeah!!!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I love to read. My parents have been accusing me for years of eating books. Many i keep and reread. right now i am rereading a really long series of books by Terry Goodkind. total there are 11 books and the first 2 are both over 900 pages. i am rereading for 2 reasons 1 my boyfriend is now reading the series and asking me questions and 2 they are making a tv series from the books. i only hope they do the books justice. the sword of truth books are wonderful full of magic and adventure, every time you think the main characters finally have won something else is thrown in their path. i eagerly awaited the release of every book in the series. when i recieved the last book in the series last christmas i couldn't wait to read the book and i also wanted to read as slowly as possible knowing this was to be the last one. finding out about the tv series made me want to reread the series again. i can't wait for the fall tv season to start and be able to see the adventures i am reading this summer brought to life.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
ciciley over at uppercase woman wrote about her fears yesterday. wow timly topic for me. last night i took winnie for a walk and she ran right over to a stick and grabbed it the wrong way and got a piece stuck in her throat. when she first grabbed it she yleped in pain so i took her back inside to check her out. she wanted no part of that she wouldn't let us look in her mouth. as the night went on she refused to drink and ate very little. she just laid on the floor with big hurt eyes. we finally decided we needed to see what was going on in her mouth. so up on the counter she goes and was really snappy when we tried to open her mouth. she finally opened up enough we could see in with a flashlight but couldn't see anything wrong. later i went in to the bedroom to read. she normally comes in and bothers me for attention but only laid down next to me for a snuggle. after 1/2 an hour she sat up and coughed up the stick. i was so happy to see that stick. after that she crawled under the bed and went to sleep. this morning we were relieved that she is back to her self eating and drinking as usual and barking at the neighbors at 6 am.
we both feared she had really hurt herself with the way she was acting.
i learned a long time ago to face your fears and push through them. the rewards are incredible. i learned to face my fears from my grandmother. she lived her whole life devoted to my grandfather who as he got older refused to go anywhere. it was a fight just to get him out of the house. my grandmother would want to go to their hometown 4 hours away pack everything be all ready to leave and he would decided he couldn't go and she would stay home too. she had so many plans for after he was gone. she would tells us every time we visited. unfortunately she died suddenly before my grandfather a blow to us all. since then i decided i was not going to let fear stand in my way. if there was something i wanted to do and no one to do it with i went alone. this has included trips, restaurants, bars, visits to friends far away where i need to drive completely lost from the start and many other things. the only things i truely fear are the big ones where i a powerless to do anything. not being able to help my sweet dog last night was one of worst fears anyone can face not being able to help someone you love.
we both feared she had really hurt herself with the way she was acting.
i learned a long time ago to face your fears and push through them. the rewards are incredible. i learned to face my fears from my grandmother. she lived her whole life devoted to my grandfather who as he got older refused to go anywhere. it was a fight just to get him out of the house. my grandmother would want to go to their hometown 4 hours away pack everything be all ready to leave and he would decided he couldn't go and she would stay home too. she had so many plans for after he was gone. she would tells us every time we visited. unfortunately she died suddenly before my grandfather a blow to us all. since then i decided i was not going to let fear stand in my way. if there was something i wanted to do and no one to do it with i went alone. this has included trips, restaurants, bars, visits to friends far away where i need to drive completely lost from the start and many other things. the only things i truely fear are the big ones where i a powerless to do anything. not being able to help my sweet dog last night was one of worst fears anyone can face not being able to help someone you love.
how to begin
that is the question.
1-1/2 years ago i was dating a man 8 years older. he did not want to get married or have more kids( he already had 2). every time we would start to head in the direction i wanted he would pull away and tell me to find someone who would give me what i want.
so i did.
the man i am with now makes me ask the question "how did i end up here" every morning. before you think that is a bad way to start the day please know i say that to myself with joy, love and glee. some days i really am amazed at my life.
why you ask , well i finally found the man of my dreams a few months before turning 40 . yes 40. we moved in together after 2 months and for my 40th birthday he bought me a puppy. winnie is our starter child. she may have 4 feet a tail and fur but she is our child. now that she is 1 and my next birthday is looming we are looking to have a child and get married. things i had given up ever having before meeting my man. so repeat after me how did i end up here??
1-1/2 years ago i was dating a man 8 years older. he did not want to get married or have more kids( he already had 2). every time we would start to head in the direction i wanted he would pull away and tell me to find someone who would give me what i want.
so i did.
the man i am with now makes me ask the question "how did i end up here" every morning. before you think that is a bad way to start the day please know i say that to myself with joy, love and glee. some days i really am amazed at my life.
why you ask , well i finally found the man of my dreams a few months before turning 40 . yes 40. we moved in together after 2 months and for my 40th birthday he bought me a puppy. winnie is our starter child. she may have 4 feet a tail and fur but she is our child. now that she is 1 and my next birthday is looming we are looking to have a child and get married. things i had given up ever having before meeting my man. so repeat after me how did i end up here??
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