Wednesday, November 17, 2010

november = cookies

now through mid decmber i will spend my weekends baking cookies and wrapping gifts. i have a huge chunk of shopping done and really only have to buy gifts for the nieces and nephew. 1 is easy this is her first christmas and she will be more interested in the wrapping paper than the gifts. the other 2 are in the picky stage. not everything will be liked. i have some things for b but m is hard this year. she turns 13 in feb and is in between kid and teen. still likes some toys but also wanting some more grown up stuff. where did the time go??

thanksgiving this year will be at my hubby's uncles house. i can't wait. i love the holidays. hubby not so much. he will go and he will have a good time but he goes grudgingly. we agreed this year to go to his family's instead of mine. that is fine with me. my family and holidays have been rough since my brother's marriage ended. i seem to get the short end of the stick if any at all. i try not to be bitter but sometimes that is really hard. so i am looking forward to his crazy family and enjoying the day. i am off on friday so i can really relax and enjoy the weekend as well

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